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I acknowledge that the work I do is hosted on the lands of the Mississaugas of the Anishinaabe, the Haudenosaunee Confederacy and the Wendat. I also recognise the enduring presence, resilience and resurgence of all First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples.

Mary Jennifer Payne


Want to write, but can’t seem to make the time? Is procrastination your best friend? Or perhaps you’ve got a great character and conflict, but are just not sure where to start ….

Whatever is preventing you from writing or continuing to write, my writer’s coaching sessions are perfect for you!

I’ll work with you via Skype, telephone, or face-to-face (if you are in the downtown Toronto area) to achieve your writing goals.
Packages start at five hour-long coaching sessions, plus a reading with an annotation of an excerpt from your work (maximum of 30 000 words). This is not an edit, but a chance for you and I to discuss where you are “at” with your writing, what’s going well, and what needs a different approach or revision. The fifth and final coaching session will be dedicated to discussing the excerpt in detail and your goals for the project.

There is always the option to add more coaching sessions and have ongoing feedback about your project.

Beetle and Bear

I'm pleased to announce that I've joined the amazing network at Beetle and Bear in Toronto. I'll be offering my creative writing coaching as well as workshops, such as creative writing for healing, both remotely and in-person at Beetle and Bear's Danforth location.


Do you have a completed project and need a fresh perspective before doing a final revision or sending it out? I will carefully read your manuscript at least twice and lightly proofread it. We will then meet (or Skype) and I will give you in-depth feedback as well as at least two pages of written notes and suggestions pertaining to plot development, character, pacing, and any other issues that arise.

To begin the process, I’ll request that you send me ten pages from the beginning of your work for me to look at, and then I will contact you to discuss the project and give you a quote.

Please note that due to my own work and writing schedule, I may not be able to accept all manuscripts.

Contact me for more information! 

For More Information

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