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I acknowledge that the work I do is hosted on the lands of the Mississaugas of the Anishinaabe, the Haudenosaunee Confederacy and the Wendat. I also recognise the enduring presence, resilience and resurgence of all First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples.

Mary Jennifer Payne

Project updates and my new online tutoring business!

New Tutoring Business

New Tutoring BusinessIt’s been a while. Like all of you, I’ve been adjusting to the rhythm of our world and to the novel circumstances in which we find ourselves during this pandemic. It’s been a challenging six months. For me. For you. For the entire world.

On March 13, 2020, I cancelled my flight to Los Angeles and then watched our world shift and reel from the effects of the pandemic. I’ve watched the community I teach in–and the students I teach–be impacted disproportionately by Covid-19. During this time we’ve witnessed more of the world awaken to the historic and systemic injustices inherent in the structures of many of our societies and to the unearned privileges that come with simply having white skin. And we’ve continued to see the direct result of this systemic racism in the disproportionate numbers of BIPOC people dying from Covid-19 and in the deaths of several Black and LatinX men, as well as several Indigenous Canadians and those with mental health issues, at the hands of police.

I’m still writing and have been throughout this time. Writing has kept me grounded and hopeful and moving forward during all of this. It’s always been a healing force in my life. As such, I’m excited to announce that I will have a paranormal thriller in the debut series for the hi-lo Anchor series for Orca Press. Many of you know how important it is to me as both an educator and a writer to be able to bring accessible stories into the lives of those with dyslexia. I’m also passionate about making sure as many people as possible with dyslexia (as well as dysgraphia) are properly supported in learning how to read and write. Thus, I am also super excited to also announce that I’ve started a tutoring business with a focus on individualized, culturally-responsive and intensive support for children and young adults with special educational exceptionalities. More information about this can be found here on my site.

Finally, I continue to work on both The Lost Men and Wormhole as well as the script for the Daughters of Light series. I have several other projects that I am about to start to work on as well and will continue to keep you updated. I did take a break from working on The Lost Men. Unfortunately, the book went out to nearly four dozen publishers just a few weeks before Covid hit. The timing was unfortunate, to say the least. This autumn, I will be working on the manuscript again and updating you more regularly on what is happening.

Take care of yourselves and one another. Stay safe and well.