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I acknowledge that the work I do is hosted on the lands of the Mississaugas of the Anishinaabe, the Haudenosaunee Confederacy and the Wendat. I also recognise the enduring presence, resilience and resurgence of all First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples.

Mary Jennifer Payne

Update and an excerpt!

Update And Excerpt

Update And Excerpt

I thought it was about time for an update and feel it’s prudent to extend an apology to all my readers on here. I haven’t disappeared into some sort of wormhole nor have I given up writing to spend my days lounging on a beach somewhere on the West Coast….

But I’ve been really absent from here, and, for that, I apologize. I’ve been working on a couple of massive projects and am finally at a stage with both of them where I feel I can share some news.

The first project I’ve been working on is a script for the Daughters of Light series. Along with my amazing colleague and co-writer, Shawn Tomsen, we’ve been working to hopefully bring Jade, Jasmine and all the Seers to the small screen. It’s been a really fun project and one I feel is super important considering how much the climate crisis has progressed since Finding Jade was published. There’s some new material in these scripts as well, which was fun to develop.

But the real reason I’ve been so seemingly quiet is that I’ve been spending every spare moment researching, interviewing, transcribing and writing the first full-length book on the impact of the hair loss drug, Propecia, and Post-Finasteride Syndrome (which is the name given to the constellation of persistent adverse side effects a percentage of people will experience even after stopping the drug). It’s been a heartbreaking experience to delve into the world of PFS, especially when getting to know so many amazing people and families whose lives have been ripped apart by the devastating health impact of the drug.

I’m giving you the first excerpt from the book, which is still being completed, and I’d love for you to sign up for email updates and other exclusive material, including giveaways. You can enter your email address into the form at the top of the page to subscribe! You can read the excerpt from the book here.